'step 1: open the database
'step 2: open the table/recordset/sql
'step 3: open a textfile
'step 4: go througt the table
'step 5: write the value to the text file
'step 6: Close Table / Database And textfile

'step 1 / 2:

Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset

'Set db = OpenDatabase(yourdatabasename)
'Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(yourtablename)

'step 3:

Dim nFile%
Dim vFileName$
'vFileName$ = the name and location of the text file

nFile% = FreeFile
Open vFileName$ For Output As #nFile%

'step 4 / 5:

Dim counter%
Dim MaxFields%
MaxFields% = rs.Fields.Count - 1

Do While Not rs.EOF
    For counter% = 0 To MaxFields%
        If Not IsNull(rs.Fields(counter%).Value) Then _
        Print #nFile, rs.Fields(counter%).Value
    Next counter%

'step 6:

Close #nFile%

This way you get all the value on a different line in your textfile.
If you want the record on one line just change step 4/5 to

Dim counter%
Dim MaxFields%
MaxFields% = rs.Fields.Count - 1

Do While Not rs.EOF
    For counter% = 0 To MaxFields%
        If Not IsNull(rs.Fields(counter%).Value) Then _
        Print #nFile, rs.Fields(counter%).Value;
    Next counter%
    Print #nFile,