'thanks to  Rick Ratayczak of Future Works Media (rickr@execpc.com)
'save file and rename them to [name].BAS

Attribute VB_Name = "MsgHook32_Bas"
Option Explicit

    lStructureSize    As Long
    hwnd   As Long


As Long lFlags As Long lCallBackMessage As Long hIcon As Long


As String * 64 End Type Type lRect Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Type APPBARDATA lStructureSize As Long hwnd As Long lCallBackMessage As Long lEdge As Long rc As lRect lParam As Long End Type Declare Function Shell_NotifyIcon& Lib "shell32.dll" (ByVal lMessage&, NID As NOTIFYICONDATA) Declare Function SHAppBarMessage& Lib "shell32.dll" (ByVal dwMessage&, pData As APPBARDATA) Global idShell_NotifyIcon& Global idSHAppBarMessage& Global Const NIM_ADD = 0& Global Const NIM_DELETE = 2& Global Const NIM_MODIFY = 1& Global Const NIF_ICON = 2& Global Const NIF_MESSAGE = 1& Global Const NIF_TIP = 4& Global Const ABM_GETTASKBARPOS = &H5& Global structNotify As NOTIFYICONDATA Global structBarData As APPBARDATA 'Message blaster callback stuff Const WM_USER = &H400 Global Const UM_TASKBARMESSAGE = WM_USER + &H201 Global Const POSTPROCESS = 1 Sub modIcon(Form1 As Form, IconID As Long, Icon As Object, ToolTip As String)


ltemplong As Long structNotify.lStructureSize = 88& structNotify.hwnd = Form1.hwnd structNotify.lID = IconID structNotify.lFlags = NIF_ICON Or NIF_MESSAGE Or NIF_TIP structNotify.lCallBackMessage = UM_TASKBARMESSAGE structNotify.hIcon = Icon structNotify.sTip = ToolTip & Chr$(0) ltemplong = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, structNotify) End Sub Sub AddIcon(Form1 As Form, IconID As Long, Icon As Object, ToolTip As String) structBarData.lStructureSize = 36&


ltemplong As Long ltemplong = SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, structBarData) If ltemplong <> 1 Then MsgBox "Explorer Not Running! Exiting...", 16, App.Title End




If structNotify.lStructureSize = 88& structNotify.hwnd = Form1.hwnd structNotify.lID = IconID structNotify.lFlags = NIF_ICON Or NIF_MESSAGE Or NIF_TIP structNotify.lCallBackMessage = UM_TASKBARMESSAGE structNotify.hIcon = Icon structNotify.sTip = ToolTip & Chr$(0) ltemplong = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, structNotify) Form1.Msghook1.HwndHook = Form1.hwnd Form1.Msghook1.Message(UM_TASKBARMESSAGE) = True End Sub Sub delIcon(IconID As Long)


ltemplong As Long structNotify.lID = IconID ltemplong = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, structNotify) End Sub