* VB-CODE (1)
Tip 141: Searching a List Box Control for a Partial Match

August 6, 1995

The List Box control in Microsoft® Visual Basic® lets you display a 
list of items
to the user. This article explains how you can search a List Box 
control for a
specific entry by specifying a partial search string.

Finding Items in a List Box Control
The List Box control can be used within a Microsoft® Visual Basic® 
program to
maintain a list of items. While your program is running, you can use 
the ListCount
property of the List Box control to determine how many items are stored 
in the
list. Then, using the ListCount value, you can search through the 
contents of a
List Box control to find a specific item.

It's easy to write a procedure in Visual Basic to selectively find 
items in a
List Box control. For example, if you want to search the List Box 
control for the
item "oranges," you can use a For-Next loop to check each entry in the 
List Box
control to see whether it matches the target string. To do this, use 
following code:

For X = 0 To Lst.ListCount -1
    If Lst.List(X) = "oranges" Then
        'we found an item that matches.
    End If
Next X

The code routine above tells us whether the item "oranges" was found in 
the List
Box control, but what happens if we want to find a partial item in the 
Let's suppose that each item in the list contains a phrase such as 
"apples and
oranges." You want to find the item that contains the word "oranges." 
The above
routine will only return a match if the entire string matches the word 
To work around this problem, we can use the Visual Basic InStr function 
to parse
each entry in the List Box control. The InStr function will return the 
within the larger string where the target string is found. To use this 
technique, you still need to include a For-Next loop to examine each 
entry in the
List Box control; however, you can also add code to call the InStr 
function to
determine whether a specific portion of an entry matches your target 

Each time the InStr function finds the target string in an entry in the 
List Box
control, it returns the target string's position within the entry. Just 
use the
ListIndex property of the List Box control to retrieve the entry that 
your target string.

Example Program
This program shows how to search a List Box control for a partially 

 1. Create a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
 2. Add the following code to the Form_Load event for Form1.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    List1.AddItem "Apples and oranges"
    List1.AddItem "Bananas and grapes"
    List1.AddItem "Peaches and corn"
End Sub

 3. Add a List Box control to Form1. List1 is created by default.
 4. Add a Text Box control to Form1. Text1 is created by default.
 5. Add a Command Button control to Form1. Command1 is created by 
 6. Add the following code to the Click event for Command1.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

 7. Create a new procedure called GetPartialString. Add the following 
code to
    this procedure.

Sub GetPartialString()
    Dim LittleString As String
    Dim Item As Integer

    LittleString = Text1.Text
    Item = GetMatch(List1, LittleString)

    If Item = -1 Then
        MsgBox "No such entry found in List Box"
        List1.ListIndex = Item%
    End If
End Sub

 8. Create a new procedure called GetMatch. Add the following code to 

Function GetMatch(Lst As ListBox, ByVal SearchStr As String) As Integer
    Dim X As Integer

    For X = 0 To Lst.ListCount - 1
        If InStr(Lst.List(X), SearchStr) Then
            GetMatch = X
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next X

    GetMatch = -1      'no match
End Function

Run the demonstration program by pressing F5. Three items are displayed 
in the
List Box control. Type a word such as "corn" in the Text Box control 
and click
the command button. The program highlights the "Peaches and corn" entry 
in the
List Box control because the word "corn" was found in this entry. Type 
the word
"turnip" in the Text Box control. After you click the command button, a 
box is displayed that tells you no such item was found.

Additional References
Knowledge Base Q119738. "How to Quickly Search a List Box."
"List Box Controls." (Development Library, Technical Articles, Windows 
   User Interface Articles, Controls)
