The use of the Controls Collection
At regaular base people are sending my snipt of code to give edit it or give some advice with it. I notoced that the use 
of the Control Collection isn't very used. See the next example:

Sub Form_Load() txtName.Text = "" txtAddresss.Text = "" txtZipCode.Text ="" txtPlace.Text ="" End Sub

What the programmer wants is clear: when the forms loads the fout textboxes has to be empty. If this action has to be performed on a regular base (for exmaple with a 'Cancel' or 'Clear' button) then it is nessecaity to type in the same code several times.
You can however make a separate procedure:

Sub LeegTextBox() txtName.Text = "" txtAddresss.Text = "" txtZipCode.Text ="" txtPlace.Text ="" End Sub

Under every event that must clear teh textboxes you just call the procedure:

Sub Form_Load() Call LeegTextBox End Sub
Sub cmdCancel_Click() Call LeegTextBox End Sub

You can simplified it by making use of the Controls Collection:

Sub LeegTextBox() Dim Control For Each Control In Me.Controls If TypeOf Control Is TextBox Then Control.Text = "" Next Control End Sub

To do it completely 'right' you have a module form to set the procedure public and use a parameter to the procedure to set the form:

Public Sub LeegTextBox(Byref X as Form) Dim Cntr For Each Cntr In X.Controls If TypeOf Cntr Is TextBox Then X.Cntr.Text = "" Next Cntr End Sub

Calling the procedure is as followed:

Sub Form_Load() Call LeegTextBox(Me) End Sub

It can be done from every form and every event. Of course you can set almost every other property like this. Also you can use it to call almost every kind of control. This is done with the TypeOf command.

The use of indexed controls The use of indexex controls has the advantage that it is not necessary to place the same code under similair events of the same controls. Suppose you have five textbox-controls in which you want the user to put the next values:

fristname (name = txtFirstName) lastname (name = txtLastName) address (name = txtAddress) zipcode (name = txtZipCode) city (name = txtCity)

The input of the first three boxes you want to set the first character to uppercase; the last two you want to set the whole value to uppercase. If you choice to give the texboxes different names (for clearity is it a good reason to do so) your code looks like:

Sub txtFirstName_LostFocus() txtFirstName.Text = StrConv(txtFirstName.Text, vbProperCase) End Sub Sub txtLastName_LostFocus() txtLastName.Text = StrConv(txtLastName.Text, vbProperCase) End Sub Sub txtAddress_LostFocus() txtAddress.text = StrConv(txtAddress.Text, vbProperCase) End Sub Sub txtZipcode_LostFocus() txtZipcode.Text = UCase$(txtZipCode.Text) End Sub Sub txtCity_LostFocus() txtCity.Text = Ucase$(txtCity.Text) End Sub

If you use indexed controls it looks like:

FirstName (name = txtInput; index = 0) LastName (name = txtInput; index = 1) Address (name = txtInput; index = 2) Zipcode (name = txtInput; index = 3) City (name = txtInput; index = 4)

Sub TxtInput_LostFocus(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0, 1, 2 TxtInput(Index).Text = StrConv(TxtInput(Index).Text,vbProperCase) Case 3,4 TxtInput(Index).Text = UCase$(TxtInput(Index).Text) End Select End Sub

It is a lot easier and little to type! Still you can use the earlier way to empty all boxes at once (the control does not change). The use of indexed controls is often in combination with the Select.... Case statement.

An other example of indexed controls.

Everybody uses commandbuttons. Suppose you have five buttons:

New (name = cmdKnop; index = 0) Change (name = cmdKnop; index = 1) Save (name = cmdKnop; index = 2) Delete (name = cmdKnop; index = 3) Exit (name = cmdKnop; index = 4)

The code looks like

Sub cmdKnop_Click(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0 ‘code to add an item Case 1 ‘Code to change an item Case 2 ‘Code to save an item Case 3 ‘Code to remove an item Case 4 Unload Me End Select End Sub

What you want is a way to disable certain buttons while your user is executing one action, you cannot add and remove at the same time. When you are adding the buttons 'Remove' and 'Change' cannot be available. After saving the item they must be enabled again. It can look like this:

Sub cmdKnop_Click(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0‘new cmdKnop(1).Enabled = False cmdKnop(3).Enabled = False ‘code to add an item Case 1‘change ‘Code to change an item Case 2‘save ‘Code to save an item cmdKnop(1).Enabled = True cmdKnop(3).Enabled = True Case 3‘remove ‘Code to remove an item Case 4‘exit Unload Me End Select End Sub

Of course this can be done with less work.. Instead of setting each commandbutton at a time you use a variable:

Sub cmdKnop_Click(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0‘new Call SetCommand("10101") 'code to add an item Case 1‘change ‘Code to change an item Case 2‘save ‘Code to save an item Call SetCommand("11111") Case 3‘remove ‘Code to remove an item Case 4‘exit Unload Me End Select End Sub

Sub SetCommand(which As String) Dim lngX As Long For lngX = 1 To Len(which) If Mid(which, lngX, 1) = 0 Then Me.cmdKnop(lngX - 1).Enabled = False Else Me.cmdKnop(lngX - 1).Enabled = True End If Next lngX End Sub

The procedure SetCommand check each character of the used string if it is a one (1) or a zero (0). Depending on the value AND the location in the string the proper commandbutton will be set. To use it for several forms you must adjust the code a little bit.

Sub SetCommand(which As String, X As Form) Dim lngX As Long For lngX = 1 To Len(which) If Mid(which, lngX, 1) = 0 Then X.cmdKnop(lngX - 1).Enabled = False Else X.cmdKnop(lngX - 1).Enabled = True End If Next lngX End Sub

Using the procedure is done with: Call SetCommand("11111", Me) [published in dutch in the magazine Visual Basic Groep NL: Visual Basic Magazine; juni 1998 jaargang 4, nr. 2]