Q181542 :PRB: Error 13 Type Mismatch Error on DAO OpenRecordset Method
Q181715 :PRB: RDO/Jet: Run-Time Error 40069; Client Cursor Error 11 or 12
Q181720 :PRB: MOVE 0 Works Only with Server-Side Cursors
Q181852 :PRB: Program Generates Error 429 on First Reference to RDO
Q181853 :HOWTO: Access and Retrieve the SQL QueryPlan from RDO
Q181854 :FILE: Vbc.exe Fixes VB 5.0 Control Installation Problem
Q181856 :PRB: "License Information for This Component Not Found" Error
Q181857 :PRB: RDO Run-time Error '40060': Incorrect Type for Parameter
Q181872 :HOWTO: Display Ellipses Button for a UserControl Property
Q181877 :BUG: UserControl Not Printing Correctly From Access
Q181889 :BUG: VB Hangs While Automating Excel Using OLE Control
Q181890 :HOWTO: Use the Animated Copy Functions in Windows 95
Q181891 :BUG: OLE Drag Disabled When ListBox Has Multiple Columns
Q181912 :PRB: FlexGrid Control Does Not Highlight Whole Row
Q181946 :HOWTO: Create a NetDDE Client and Server in Visual Basic

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